Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cultured Mondays - Grapefruit "Soda"

We have been enjoying a lot of citrus sodas in this house lately with an abundance of citrus coming through our co-op.  I never though I would try this recipe with just grapefruits, but we had a bunch last week so I thought I would give it a try.  It came out tasting quite yummy!

I like my "sodas" on the more sour side, but if you want this sweeter, then add more sucanat or some honey to taste to your finished product.

*2 1/2 cups fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
*1 1/2 cups sucant
*3/4 gallon of water
*1/2 cup cultured "orange" soda as a starter
*1 five liter pickl-it jar

Place all ingredients in your pickl-it jar and stir until well mixed.  Allow to sit in a dark place (like a kitchen cabinet) for 24-36 hours.  These sodas culture fast!  Your finished product should be less sweet than normal grapefruit juice (thus the added sucanat if you need it) and should have a nice fizz to it like soda.  You should be able to see the juice swirling around and bubbles coming out of the airlock.  Transfer to the fridge when it is done culturing.  Like other cultured drinks, start out drinking this slowly, in small amounts with food.  It may take a little time for your body to get used to these new probiotics.

(Featured on Healthy Home Economist, The Homestead Revival, Nourishing Treasures)

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