Monday, June 25, 2012

Cultured Monday! Orange-ade in the Pickl-it!

We have had an over abundance of oranges the past few weeks, so I decided to mix up another batch of cultured orange-aide, but this time in my pickl-it jar.  I'm so curious to see how this comes out and will be sure to post up dates!

When using the pickl-it jars, you do not have to use whey as a starter.  Most ferments are just the item to be fermented and a salt brine.  This is because the pickl-it has a special air-lock to help keep the ferment anaerobic.

I was not sure about not putting any starter in my orange-aid, so I use about 1/4 cup of the liquid from my cultured white peaches.  I'm sure that will get things culturing just great!

My cultured orange-aide:

*2 1/2 cups fresh squeezed orange juice
*1 cup sucant
*1/3 cup starter from cultured white peach
*1 gallon of water

Place all in a 5L pickl-it jar.  Allow to sit for 1-3 days.  The longer it sits, the tarter and stronger it will get.

Mine must have risen a lot during the night!  It is bubbling away this morning.  This is after about 18 hours of fermentation time.

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