
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Make Your Own Baking Powder

Through some reading I have done, I have read that some brands of baking powder carry aluminum in them.  No thanks!
I was busy looking for a source that was guaranteed aluminum free, when I stumbled across this recipe in Super Natural Cooking by Heidi Swanson.

Super Natural Cooking: Five Delicious Ways to Incorporate Whole and Natural Foods into Your Cooking

I have been using it for months now and love it.  My baked goods rise beautifully and it's easy and inexpensive to make.
Here is her recipe:

*1 part baking soda
*2 parts cream of tartar
*2 parts arrowroot

Simply mix together.  Swanson says this should last for a month, but I have had mine at least 6 months and it still seems to be working great!

(Shared at the Healthy Home Economist, Homestead Revival, Real Food Forager, Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Mind Body and SolePremeditated LeftoversFrugal FolliesDelightful OrderSomewhat SimpleMomnivore's DelimmaMiz Helen's Country CottageA Little NoshGNOWFGINS, The Nourishing Gourmet, Real Food Whole Health, Real Food FreaksJennifer Cooks, Creation Corner, Bacon Time , Jo's Health Corner, FIngerprints on the Fridge, Allergy Free Vintage Cooking, Fitness Friday, Food Renegade, Raising Isabella)


  1. I need to make this. My husband has a corn allergy, so he can never have baking powder that contains corn starch. I already buy the aluminum free brand, but the corn-free options are really pricey! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

    I launched an allergy-friendly blog hop with 4 other bloggers. I'd love for you to share this recipe. You can find it at

  2. Oh, I need to make this! And I am new to all of the natural way of cooking so I did not know about the aluminum in the baking powder! Yikes!

  3. Hi Jessica,
    This is a great idea that I can't wait to try. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! Not only does some baking powder contain aluminum, some brands also have gluten in them. Now I can make my own for my family, and it will be safe for us!
    Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker
    (visiting from delightful order)

  5. I often make my own baking powder and it works every bit as well as store bought! I love finding ways to minimize my family's exposure to harmful substances. Thanks for sharing this post with the HnS Hop.

  6. This looks so easy, definitely worth trying out!

    I'm working on stocking up for the upcoming birth of my second child. I'd love for you to come share this recipe at my make-ahead Monday link-up over at Raising Isabella!

    Hope to see you there!

  7. Yay I am so excited about this recipe! My husband & I are corn, grain, soy & dairy free so knowing I can make my own basics is GREAT!

  8. Wow, who knew you could make it! I love truly healthy blogs! I have a crafty, healthy, blog at I have a masters in natural health and am ALWAYS looking for ways to make my family of 6 healthier! Thanks!
    Found you off pinterest and just started following you!

  9. The modern world is endlessly being turned by newly discovered treatments and medicines and sometimes seems to have forgotten the Natural Health remedies.
