
Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Little Garden

Gardening is not my forte...I seem to kill almost everything I plant, mostly from lack of watering, I think.  But, I was motivated to try again and just finished planting my little garden because...
this time I have a little helper who LOVES to help mommy water the "garden".  I am very happy about this because it's a shame to not garden when we live in a place that we can have a thriving garden year round.
So far, due to his help, my little garden is flourishing!  We have rosemary, red kale, sage, chamomile, lemon balm, nasturtium, red dandelion, apple mint, chocolate mint, onion and basil.  The nasturtium is growing SO fast, I can start adding it to my salads now for a nice peppery kick.  Hooray for my little gardener!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love your Blog, I am very new to fermented foods and sourdough starter etc. Thank you for clarifying allot of this for me. When your little garden starts to mature, I think it will outgrow this vessel! Seems like you have quite a lot in it, good luck! Keep the great articles comming! :0)
