
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Many thanks to all who read and help to support my blog!  I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Diaper Changing Technique Reduces Colic

I had to share this fascinating article by about a diaper changing technique that will help to reduce colic in infants.

Infants are born with immature spines that need to strengthen and develop over the next 6-9 months of their life.  Unfortunately, most of us parents do the double leg lift with our children when we are changing the diaper.  This is not good for the spine of infants and can affect the nerve center that controls digestion.

By instead, switching to a side roll diaper changing technique, the nerve center will not be pinched and irritated and should help to stop and/or reduce colic in many babies.

HERE is the full article which includes a link to a video which is so helpful to watch.  Please pass this on to any new parents you know!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Curing Mission Olives

As promised, here is my update on curing my mission olives.  I have about 17 pounds to cure and started the process today.  I'm washing and then drying the olives and packing the 17 pounds in about 25 pounds of sea salt.  I'm using glass Fido jars and layering the olives and salt.  The tops will remain open to allow for air circulation.  The salt is supposed to pull the oil out of the olives which I will pour out of the jars.  Well see!  Hopefully this works!