
Friday, November 30, 2012

Whole Foods Friday - Mission Olives

It's whole foods Friday and I thought I would feature a brand new project I am in the process of tackling.  We love olives in our home, but don't get to eat them very much as the organic ones are quite expensive and I don't like the fact that many of them are cured with lye.

So, I decided to buy some organic mission olives from Chaffin Family Farms, and try my hand at salt curing these olives.

They arrived yesterday and me and my son packed them into some ziplock bags and put them in the fridge as my bulk order of salt will not arrive until early next week.  We will then pack them up with the salt into 5L glass fido jars and hope they cure!  I received 17 pounds of olives from Chaffin Family Farms and plan to use about 25-27 pounds of sea salt for the curing.  The process is pretty easy, and I read this post to get some guidance.

I will keep you all posted on how it goes.  Aren't they beautiful?!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Early Puberty in Girls - Why This is NOT a Healthy Trend

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!  We had a very relaxing and enjoyable "Staycation" and it was so nice to spend time together doing fun things (mostly at home) and avoid all the holiday rush!

Today I want to share an article that came out by one of my favorite herbalists (who is also a physician!), Aviva Romm.

In this article, she discusses the alarming new trend of early puberty amongst young girls, where girls, as early as 7, are starting to experience body changes.

This is alarming on a number of fronts, for not only is this emotionally effecting girls, it is having a bad effect on their long term health.  Early puberty puts girls more at risk for hormone related cancers, fibroids, endocrine disruption, and other issues.

Aviva discusses some simple steps you can take to avoid this from happening in your daughter.  Please take a few minutes to read this brief article and pass it on to anyone you know who has a young daughter.

If you do not have a daughter, this is still a good read!  I have a little boy, but still follow the healthy tips that Aviva lists such as an organic whole foods diet and avoiding environmental toxins.  I have always been concerned about the flame retardants that are in children's clothes/PJ's and dress my little guy as organically as possible, including organic bedclothes and mattress.  Keeping our children as chemical free as possible is so important in their healthy development.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Whole Foods Friday - French Onion Soup

We have finally been enjoying some cool, fall weather, here in SoCal, and I am enjoying the brisk mornings and evenings!  We enjoy at lot of soups this time of year, so I am excited to make some French Onion Soup for dinner tonight, served with hot, toasted homemade sourdough bread and a side of Julia Child's Crockpot Boston Baked Beans.

French Onion Soup is a snap to make and my sister, over at Whole Foods on a Budget, has a delicious version using homemade bone broths.  So, hop on over to her blog and check out this super easy, super yummy, recipe for French Onion Soup.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Easy Lamb Roast

It's finally getting cold here in SoCal (I think - I hope!) and I put this delicious lamb roast up to cook in my new crock pot the other day.

By the way, I just have to say how much I LOVE this crock pot.  I bought it a few weeks ago to replace my old one and I have been so happy with it.  It's stoneware and has three different sized pots.  I have had no trouble heating the largest pot and have used it several times, now.  I also like the fact that this company follows lead safety protocols, with no measurable lead in the pots.  You can click HERE to read more on amazon.  Having three different sized pots is very convenient!

For our lamb roast, I simply placed a bone-in shoulder roast, some potatoes, quartered onions, plums, and apples, along with a sprig of rosemary and some sea salt, into the 6 quart pot.  I placed it on high for a few hours, then turned it to low until dinner time.  It slow cooked for about 7 hours total and was SO delicious, with the meat falling off the bone.  This was a fast, simple, delicious winter time meal!

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